
"For those whose hopes are in the meeting with Allah (in the Hereafter, let them strive); for the Term (appointed) by Allah is surely coming: and He hears and knows (all things). And if any strive (with might and main) they do so for their own souls: for Allah is free of all needs from creation... and those who believe and work righteous deeds -them we shall admit into the company of the Righteous." ~Surat al-Ankabut, Ayahs 5-6, 9

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Just Keep Swimming....

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem
As-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu..

It doesn't matter how hard it gets
how difficult you think it is
how impossible it seems.

It doens't matter how long the road looks
or how far behind you think you are
or how little you've moved since you started.

It doesn't matter how badly you think you're doing
how many mistakes you continue to make -the same ones at that-
how convinced you are that you're failing miserably.

It doesn't even matter how far you've fallen from grace.
That grace was given to you by Him
and He can give it to you again.
Nay, He can give you more.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

You're alive.

Just keep asking,
just keep trying,
just keep going.

And don't ever, ever, ever, ever give up.