
"For those whose hopes are in the meeting with Allah (in the Hereafter, let them strive); for the Term (appointed) by Allah is surely coming: and He hears and knows (all things). And if any strive (with might and main) they do so for their own souls: for Allah is free of all needs from creation... and those who believe and work righteous deeds -them we shall admit into the company of the Righteous." ~Surat al-Ankabut, Ayahs 5-6, 9

Monday, December 27, 2004

Work Now, Rest Later

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem..
As-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Alhamdulillah there are times in everyone's life when they are tested. Insha'Allah we're all struggling for the nearness of Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala and to attain His Pleasure. This is really the only thing we want, and thus the only thing worth striving for. However the very nature of this struggle is that it is indeed a struggle. Even things in this world don't come to us on a silver platter... what makes us think we can attain the highest and most lofty goal -that of Allah 'azza wa jal's Proximity- without enduring some hardship?

"This world is a prison for the believers." Don't ever forget that. You're not here to settle down, to get comfortable and find your place. That's not why you're here. Rasul Allah salAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam once said, "this world is a bridge -cross over it, don't build on it!" We should always keep this in mind and live our entire life with this knowledge in the front -not the back- of our minds. Whatever hardship we endure in the name of Islam, in the name of implementing the shari'ah and sunnah in our lives, is nothing... it really is nothing compared to the hardship we may have to endure if we neglect these duties in this life and have to pay for them in the Next.

Every believer is guaranteed Jannah, so alhamdulillah... that's a guarantee... from Allah... enscribed in gold in the tablets of eternity. But what route you decide to take to Jannah, that's up to you.

You can be among those that go directly and stand beneath the 'Arsh of Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala in the company of His Beloved Messenger salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam and immediately begin to bask in the Nur of Allah's Mercy.

Or you could be among those who stand and wait under the shade of your tahajjud salaahs, and Allah subhanaahu wa ta 'aala, so pleased with this one, unworthy yet consistent act, will grant you admittance into Jannah.

Or you could be among those who stand, wait, sweat, cry, suffer... and are then dragged before Allah 'azza wa jal by two angels who will then display your deeds before your Beloved... each bad thing you said about your brother in humanity... each extra glance you took at a non-mahram... each haraam or doubtful substance you placed in your body... each fard, waajib or sunnah mu'akkadah you neglected to embody during your split-second lifetime... one by one, each thing will be displayed before your Lord, until you are 100% sure that your destination is Hell... then He subhaanahu wa ta 'aala wa 'azza wa jal will glance at that one tear you shed upon hearing a hadith, smile upon you and out of His Infinite Kindness and Mercy place you in the gardens of Jannah.

Or you could be among those who believed in laa ilaaha ilAllah Muhammad RasoolAllah but lived a life entirely contrary to this weighty and beautiful declaration, and are thus thrown into the Pit of Hell to suffer, burn, starve, cry, scream... to have your skin burned off time and time again, until a new skin is created so that it, too, can burn... to be dying of thirst and fed only the puss and blood of the sinners who are melting in that Hole... to ultimately know -regardless of the physical torture you are enduring- that you despicable thing earned the Wrath of the Most Kind, Merciful and Generous One so much so that He didn't even want to glance upon your face, and threw you into the Pit of Anguish and Suffering... this knowledge being far more unbearable than even the worst physical punishment. Then that sweet and gentle man who you used to hear about will search you out, seeing in your heart the once-inscribed statement of laa ilaaha ilAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah he will throw himself before your Lord and plead that you are removed... which will be granted, and you will be washed and placed in Jannah.

So it's up to you, really, to decide which path you'd rather take. Endure a little hardship in this life and insha'Allah you will be spared in the Next. Know that no matter how hard it gets, no matter how difficult the test looks, no matter how impossible you think it is, it is nothing compared to what you may have to endure in the Next Life if you don't stand up to it. And subhaanAllah, it's not all doom and gloom... indeed it's far from it. Yes, the wrath you may receive on this earth for sticking to the teachings of the Qur'an and sunnah is far less than the wrath you may receive in the Next Life for neglecting them... however the reward also follows a similar pattern. In this life you will taste the sweetness of imaan, the sweetness of Love, the sweetness of yearning for Allah, the sweetness of tears shed for His sake. In the Next Life... we can't even begin to imagine the sweetness you will receive for that moment beforehand when you cringed -that moment called life.

May Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala grant us the tawfiq to be among those who purify themselves in this life so we can avoid the purification process that occurs after death... may He make us among those who stick to the teachings of the Qur'an and sunnah, who embody the shari'ah and the sunnah of Allah's Beloved salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam no matter what test we are faced with for doing so... may He grant us the tawifq and the himmat to endure whatever small test we face in this life for struggling in His Way... may He make our struggle a means through which we earn His Pleasure... a cause for His smiling upon us and drawing us nearer to Him in this life, and granting us His Proximity in the Next...
wa akhiru da'waana anilhamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalameen.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Seek out the Gardens of Jannah -and the Gardeners

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem..
As-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I recently spoke to someone who is extremely important in my life (understatement) who mentioned that they'd visited my blog, and I've decided to post little more often. I'd stopped posting... for various reasons... but insha'Allah I intend to start up a bit now. I've stopped allowing comments on my posts because I think allowing them could be, well, unsafe.

I've been reflecting more and more on that hadith wherein Rasul Allah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam said that if you happen upon a garden of Jannah you should graze in it. Upon saying this he was asked, "what are the gardens of Jannah?" to which he replied salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam, "gatherings of remembrance." If you think about this hadith in conjunction with the one in which Rasul Allah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam said, "this world is a prison for the believers," life makes sense.

If there's one bit of advice you ever take from this blog and hold onto I'd want it to be the following: Grab hold of righteous people wherever you find them and hold on to them like gold. The benefit of emersing yourself in the company of the lovers of Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala, of those who yearn to be with Him and have progressed on the Path to Him cannot be captured in words. The benefit can only be felt in the heart and then seen on the limbs, in an increase in adherence to the shari'ah and the sunnah of the beloved of Allah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam. The effect such company has takes place in more than one way... firstly you receive the spiritual blessing of being with them, you get to be with the angels that stay with them, you receive attention from them by their simply knowing you are there and then further you receive their du'as... also their heart, whether you realize it or not, has a beautiful and cleansing effect on your heart by simply being in the company of those most beloved to Allah, even if they're upstairs and you're downstairs (which is usually the case for sisters.) If you're fortunate enough you can even spend time in their physical company, mostly for brothers, and observe them... just watch how they do things, how they sit, how they stand, how they smile when they talk to you... these men... who have embodied the sunnah and the shari'ah entirely... who have purified themselves with dhikr and the company of their own masha'ikh... subhaanAllah.

So if you ever hear about a scholar coming to your community, or a neighbouring community, or even a neighbouring state or province, get in you car and drive over there. Dead hearts come to life, tears of sorrow turn to tears of unspeakable joy, false love inches closer to True Love, a gaze flithied by sights of this world gets redirected to the Heavens and to Reality... and if you find yourself falling in love with these people, with the awliyaa of Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala, don't stop yourself. Just fall in love. Insha'Allah it will take you closer to True Love.

That's the key, actually... someone once told me that if you feel you're loving things of this dunya which you know won't benefit you and may actually harm you to love them, then you should redirect that love to Rasul Allah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam, because he is the bridge between worldly love and Divine Love. He lived in this world and was/is human... therefore the part of you that inclines to wordly love can comprehend loving him, and is willing to do so... and at the same time, whether you realize it or not, that love is bringing you nearer to Divine Love, because you are loving Allah's beloved, and because he salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam was sent to us so we could fall in love with him, and in turn with Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala wa 'azza wa jal. For those of us, like me, who have very limited knowledge of the seerah of RasulAllah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam (the story of his life) it can be hard to bhatay-bhatay start loving him (though in reality it shouldn't be.... if we reflect upon even one quality of his that we know of it would be sufficient to love him entirely.) So for people like me we have 'ulema and awliyaa... we have masha'ikh who are the heirs of the prophets, as stated in a hadith. Their duty, like their pious predecessors, is to reconnect our hearts with our True Beloved, Who we have left and forgotten, Who waits patiently for His ungrateful servants to return to Him, to throw themselves before Him and beg Him to accept us... little do we know that He'd accepted us before we even thought to beg. SubhaanAllah...

So emerse yourself in their company... seek them out and keep them close... hold onto them like gold, for they are truly far more valuable than gold... they contain a wealth of spiritual gold which they impart wherever they go. Grab hold of them... grab hold the fabric that they give out and say the words, repent for your sins, cry out to Allah... He has already heard your call.

Was-salaam ma'al ikraam..